Monday, October 31, 2011

Are you in the mood for a Happy Halloween?!?

A lot has changed in the last couple of years. Pre-children Halloween was all about dressing up, going out, and getting the bejeesus scared out of me. This is no longer what Halloween is all about.

Now that I have children, Halloween is still all about costumes… just more kid friendly costumes. It is still all about going out. But my definition of “going out” has changed. Going out is now walking around the neighborhood showing off our awesome movie themed costumes to friends and family while trick-or-treating! Having the bejeesus scared out of me now involves a game of hide-and-seek with my toddler instead of a haunted house.

I love Halloween. It is one of the most carefree whimsical days where pretending is a prerequisite. Where using your imagination is a must! I love seeing people get really into the holiday. I especially love seeing all of the decorations that people create and display.

As an ode to Halloween I have hunted around one of my favorite places to shop: ETSY! I have found some fabulous Halloween décor to put you in the mood for this evening’s festivities. Although it is too late to get these decorations before tonight, you can purchase them for next year. I like to do this anyways so I can get the post-holiday discounts ;)

Just click on the images to be taken to the etsy store where they can be purchased.

vintage art


 trick or treat

Boo Coasters


Pumpkin Soap



Do Not Enter


Are you in the mood for trick-or-treating? I am…. But I may be doing a little shopping beforehand.

Happy Halloween!

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