Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project 366 Day 28 of One Photo A Day

Project 366

One of my favorite things to do with my children is visit the library. Our community library is great. They have a fabulous selection of children’s books, cozy little corners set up for families to read books, work tables and a huge selection of puzzles varying in difficulty.

My toddler loves to visit the library. He gets to pick out books to take home and work on new and interesting puzzles. Lately my child has been all about the dinosaurs and trains and was ecstatic that the library got a new dinosaur puzzle.

We sat and did this dinosaur puzzle at least three times, maybe more. After we finished we would break it up, put it back in the box, and put the box back on the shelf. After perusing the selection of puzzles we would pick back up the same dinosaur puzzle we just finished working on and put it together again. I am now an expert at this puzzle.

Project 366 Day 28 of One Photo A Day
Dino Puzzle

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