Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sleeping in a strange place can make for a disruptive naptime!

As a stay at home mother I have the capability of scheduling my life around my children’s nap schedules. I am willing and able to accommodate their needs before my wants. This is not a hardship for me. I am afforded this luxury as a stay at home mother, but not every mother is able to do this. Life tends to laugh at you when you make plans.

Life laughed at me this weekend quite frequently. As many of you know we are in the process of trying to sell out home and when your home is on the market and someone wants to see it, you make it work. So bedtime and nap schedules were flexible this weekend…Very flexible.

Sleeping-ish Baby

After church today we went to visit my in-laws while our home was being shown. We ate lunch and played for a bit and then it was naptime. I knew my older son was not going to take a nap. He was simply too excited about being at his grandparents home. The baby was exhausted and should have gone down for a nap quite easily. Should being the operative word here.

My little baby boy {11 months} was not having it. He refused to nap. He sat in the pack-n-play and cried and cried and then he cried some more. I turned on the fan, tucked him in with his Woody doll, and closed the door. Normally if he cannot see me he calms down within seconds and goes right to sleep. This was not the norm.

When I came back to check on my little peanut he was in a full fledged crying jag and the only way he could be soothed was to cuddle with mommy. So… being the totally weak person that I am when it comes to my children crying, I pick up my son and lay down with him on the bed and snuggle and sooth him. Just as he starts to nod off I get the bright idea to gently place him in his pack-n-play to finish out his nap. He wakes up and immediately starts crying again.

This nap was not going to happen.

I like that when it is time for my children to take their naps they can rest their heads in their very own beds. I love that being a stay at home mother allows me the convenience of having every nap time at home. This convenience comes with a price. My children do NOT take naps anywhere but in their own beds in their own homes. Now that there is a possibility of disruptive nap schedules due to being a home seller, I am kicking myself for not changing things up with my kids more often.

Do your children nap anywhere and everywhere? If so, what is your secret?

Project 366 Day 75 of One Photo A Day
Project 366

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